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Criteria of Airbrush

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Criteria of Airbrush: Theme is open 

NB! Shape (square)/ length (free edge) is 50% of nail plate and cuticle cutting must be done before the competition (both hands)! Only one hand is scored during the competition. The other hand is for comparing and is untouchable and done 100%. Please take all necessary materials/instruments/UV-Led etc for this competition task! On judging time model should remove from hands all accessories. Every competitor will have own competition number! Fine points will go for cuticle damage! On the competition area is not allowed interfere with other competitors during competiton.
Task: 1. Only one hand 45 minutes 2. With Smooth transition between colors (without clear color boundaries) 3. Minimum 3 colors for technique 4. Minimum 3 shades of the same color: dark, basic, neon 5. French technique on 2 fingers.
IT IS FORBIDDEN: 1. Do not use Acrylic powders 2. Do not use Gel-paints 3. Colored substrate under the gradient is not allowed 4. Do not use sponges
EXTRA POINTS: • Minimum 3 colors for gradient technique • Minimum 3 shades of the same color: dark, basic, neon
LOW POINTS: 1. If the bottom of color is not readable 2. If the Top-color takes up less than 10% of the nail plate 3."Fence" 4. All colors are located with stripes and there is no smooth transition 5. Dirty or unpainted sides of the nail extension 6. Dirt from the color is around nail plate area 7. Leaks 8. Badly painted under the cuticle area and side ridges/lines 9. Color stripes of coloring with a thin brush 10. If the color or top coat is with waves
Judging criterias: Shape Max 10 points Cuticle cutting Max 10 points Length Max 10 points Gelpolish coloring Max 10 points Complexity Max 10 points Purity of work Max 10 points Coloristic Max 10 points Composition Max 10 points First impresion Max 10 points.
Nail Shape „Square“ The shape of the nails must look consistent and uniform. The top of the Free-edge must not appear to be filed unevenly. If it is filed straight. The Free edge must look straight as it extends from the nail plate. It should not look as if the nail was applied crooked or that the nail is off in a tilted direction. The extension should be applied true to the natural nail. The nail should be straight to the nail. Not straight to the finger. The hand will be turned around so the nail is examined from the front perspective. If the nail has been applied properly and the shape appears to look straight the nails earns.
Lenght- 50% of nail bed
The Free edge must extend straight out from the lateral folds. The nail should not flare out or taper in when looking at the hand from a front perspective. The nail should be uniform on each side. There should not be any ridges on the free edge extension. The sides of the free edges should feel smooth and appear to be filed clean. There is 1 point earned for each side of every nail being scored. To find the lateral side extension you must look at the extension from the nails profile. the free edge must extend straight out from the natural nails lateral fold. The nail should not drop down or appear to be tapered upward from the profile perspective. The nail should appear to have symmetry so the side extensions are consistently located. There should be no exposure of the natural nail’s lateral fold. There is 1 point earned for each side of every nail being scored.
The high point (apex) of the arch should not appear overly apparent. It should have a subtle and gradual incline that is located consistently in the second zone of each nail. See example of zone 2 The entire arch including the apex, should be not be overly apparent or appear too flat. The arch should not be located too far forward or back when looking at the entire nail from a profile perspective.
The exterior contour of the nail form should be completely symmetric The surface of the nail should have no inconsistencies or appear to be uneven on the outer surface. The judge will examine the nail by looking at the nail head on and check zone 3 and from the back side perspective to check zone 2. The convex or surface of the nail should contour symmetrically throughout the entire nail until it reaches zone 1. See example for nail zones.
The interior contour or tunnel of the free edge must be completely symmetrical and concentric. The nail’s Free edge should have the appearance of the inside of a tunnel from the start of the c-curve to the finger’s distal edge that is apparent to the eye or until the c-curve stick touches the finger’s tip from the underside. The Concave should represent symmetry and be concentric. The nail will earn 1 point if the Concave is concentric where the Free edge begins. It should not appear to have a form that was applied to allow for excessive product. The form is applied completely following the nail’s Distal Edge. The nail will earn 1 point if the Concave is symmetric throughout the free edge. There should not be any inconsistencies in the formation of the Free edge’s “tunnel”.
C-Curve The C-Curves must be a minimum 30% of a circle and no more than 50% to earn 1 point Each c-curve should appear concentric of a half circle
Free Edge Thickness The nail must be consistently thin throughout the nails free edge and measure the same on the sidewalls and match the center to earn 1 point, The free edge should not be any thicker than 1.5mm where zone 2 and 3 meet. The nail can earn 1 point for each of these two criteria that are required. See example of measuring tools used to measure the thickness.
Smileline Total possible points per nail: The smile-line must be symmetrical and have on all exposed nails to earn a ½ point for each nail.The consistency of the smile line shape will be determined by the majority of the nails that appear to have the most similar shape. If the smile line appears uniform with the other nails it will earns ½ point.
High Shine Finish The nails should have a high shine finish that is on the entire surface of the nail to earn 1 point. The Gel Sealer/Top Coat must be completely cured BEFORE the time is called. The finish must not feel or appear to be tacky or dull on the surface of the nail as a result of under curing. All of the tacky residue (inhibition layer) is completely removed off of the nail to earn 1 point. 

Criteria of Airbrush

Be the best of the best and win „Grand Prix“ 





All transport costs for awards, medals and certificates are paid by PARTICIPANTS TO THE TRANSPORT COMPANY BEFORE SHIPPING!! Each competitor/judge pays for the shipment himself, depending on the kg weight and the distance of the country. The organiser is not responsible for paying for the delivery of trophies!

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